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June 3, 2017


June 3, 2017
A Message From the President of SDWAC

Dear fellow SDWAC members and friends:

Our Annual Luncheon and Meeting is fast approaching. On June 17 each and every member is strongly encouraged to come to the St. James-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church Parish Hall in La Jolla to hear our guest speaker, leading Asia expert and former senior U.S. State Department official Evans Revere, address us on “Rising Tensions on the Korean Peninsula: How Does This End?” Please bring friends and colleagues: The topic could not be more timely and relevant. Evans has probably logged more hours in dialogue with North Korean officials than any other American. Registration will be from 11:30 a.m. to noon, with lunch and the program starting at noon. Following Evans’ remarks and a question-and-answer session, we will briskly conduct a business meeting as required by the Council’s bylaws. Several prominent citizens have been nominated to serve on the Board of Directors and we welcome their willingness to contribute to SDWAC’s efforts.

We’re also looking forward to our next event, a talk this Monday, June 5, by Dr. Joel Day, Executive Director of the City of San Diego’s Human Relations Commission and International Affairs Board, at the AMN Healthcare Boardroom on High Bluff Drive. Joel, a member of SDWAC’s board of directors, will address “City Diplomacy in the 21st Century.”  He’s engaged in the important work of building partnerships, civil society and resilience in San Diego’s many diverse neighborhoods.

Our program committee has been busy developing a schedule of events over the coming months.  One that I find particularly exciting is “Tijuana Day,” currently scheduled for July 20. SDWAC members will be able to meet with U.S. Consul General William Ostick (who participated in our event on cross-border issues at San Diego State in December), Tijuana officials and business people, and enjoy lunch at one of our neighbor city’s better restaurants. Stay tuned for details!

Finally, kudos to SDWAC North County Chapter for its annual meeting, held last Thursday. SDWAC/NCC President Tom Reeve and his team put on an excellent event, featuring an overview of the geostrategic situation currently confronting the United States, by retired Vice Adm. Charles Martoglio, a SDWAC member who is one of our country’s foremost strategic thinkers. Adm. Martoglio stressed that a continued leading role for the United States in world affairs is virtually assured for decades to come – provided we don’t make unforced errors. NCC’s business meeting, which followed the admiral’s talk, was efficiently carried out and, just as important, the lunch at the Bernardo Heights Country Club was great!

-- John Schlosser


Upcoming Events

Click here to see SDWAC events on our website

Monday, June 5, 2017

"City Diplomacy in the 21st Century"

Joel Day, Executive Director,

City of San Diego Human Relations Commission

 and International Affairs Board

Over half of the world’s population lives in cities, making the “global city” more significant than ever as a principal actor in world affairs. Cities increasingly are bypassing their national governments to work directly with one another on issues ranging from peace and security to business and climate change. According to political theorist Benjamin Barber, city mayors are often more productive than their counterparts in gridlocked Washington, D.C. 

Dr. Joel Day will discuss this transformative trend in global politics, paying special attention to how cities practice diplomacy. Dr. Day ultimately argues that global cities are permanently transforming international relations, foreign policy and geopolitics.

About Our Speaker

Joel Day is a Visiting Research Scholar at the Kroc Institute of Peace and Justice at the University of San Diego and an Executive Director at the City of San Diego, where he advises the Mayor and City Council on human rights and global engagement. He previously served as professor of security and global studies at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, and as research fellow at the Sié Center for International Security and Diplomacy at the University of Denver. Dr. Day holds a Ph.D. in international studies from the University of Denver, an M.A. in international relations from the University of San Diego, and a B.A. in political science from Point Loma Nazarene University. His research has been published in the Small Wars Journal, the Journal of Peace ResearchPerspectives on Terrorism, and the Journal of Strategic Security. He has provided commentary to many national news outlets.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Registration & Reception 6:00-6:30 p.m.

Presentation 6:30-8:00 p.m.


AMN Healthcare Boardroom

12400 High Bluff Drive

San Diego CA, 92130

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Annual Meeting and Luncheon

"Rising Tensions on the Korean Peninsula: How Does This End?"


Evans Revere, Top Asia Expert and Former U.S. State Department

 Negotiator With North Korea

North Korea leader Kim Jong Un has made clear that he seeks a nuclear weapon capable of striking the American homeland, a development that a senior U.S. intelligence official conceded is "inevitable" if Pyongyang is allowed to remain on its present course. President Trump insists it "won’t happen,” yet North Korea, on the heels of two nuclear tests in 2016, is continuing a string of provocative ballistic missile tests.  Can this crisis be resolved without conflict?

About Our Speaker

Evans Revere is one of the country’s leading experts on Asia, with considerable experience negotiating with North Korea. During a  distinguished career with the U.S. Department of State, where he focused on the two Koreas, China and Japan, Mr. Revere was deputy chief of the team involved in talks with Pyongyang and the government’s primary day-to-day liaison with North Korea. 

Among Mr. Revere’s other assignments with the State Department were acting assistant secretary and principal deputy assistant of state for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, and charge d’affaires and deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Seoul. He also was director of the State Department’s offices managing relations with Korea and Japan, and served in China, Taiwan and Japan.

Since leaving the State Department in 2007, Mr. Revere has taught at Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and served as president and CEO of The Korea Society, for which he organized the New York Philharmonic Orchestra’s historic 2008 concert in Pyongyang. 

Currently, Mr. Revere is a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution Center for East Asia Policy Studies and a senior adviser with the Albright Stonebridge Group, a leading global strategy firm. He continues to participate in dialogues involving U.S. relations with China, the two Koreas, Japan and Taiwan, and is a frequent commentator on Asia in major news outlets. A Princeton graduate, he served with the U.S. Air Force in South Korea. He is fluent in Chinese, Japanese and Korean.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Registration: 11:30 a.m.-noon

Lunch and Program: noon-2 p.m.

St. James by-the-Sea Episcopal Church Parish Hall

743 Prospect St.

La Jolla, CA 92037

Save the Date: July 10, 2017

Robert Meyer from IBIS Capital will speak on "Trade Routes and the Evolving Geopolitics of the Middle East." More details to come.

Save the Date: July 20, 2017

Tijuana Day: SDWAC members will make a special day trip south of the border for discussions with U.S. Consul General William Ostick and local leaders and business people, along with lunch at a Tijuana restaurant. More details to come.

Save the Date: August 14, 2017

Col. Chris S. Richie, Commanding Officer, Marine Air Control Group 38, Third Marine Aircraft Wing, will discuss the United Arab Emirates. More details to come.

Save the Date: August 28, 2017

Retired Vice Adm. Robert L. Thomas, Jr., will discuss the Indo-Pacific. More details to come.

North County Chapter Events

The complicated world we live in is illuminated a bit more every week at the North County Chapter’s Thursday Morning Forum in Rancho Bernardo. Forums begin at 9:30 a.m. with a coffee social and registration, followed at 10 a.m. with a one-hour program and one hour of polite, but freewheeling, Q&A.

Unless otherwise indicated, North County Chapter Thursday Morning Forums are held at The Remington Club, Phase II, 16916 Hierba Drive, Rancho Bernardo. Free parking is available at the adjacent shopping center.

June 8, 2017: “Is the Syrian Regime Survival Guaranteed in Moscow? Origins and Prospects for Relations Between Syria and Russia.” Michael Provence, Ph.D., will discuss the origins of the Syrian relationship with the USSR and Russia, the priorities of regime survival from the perspective of Damascus, and the compromises the Syrian government has made to insure Russian support since 2011. Member reservations for a round table luncheon following the presentation may be made by contacting Phyllis Murchland at

9:30 a.m. Coffee Social

10:00 a.m. Free Program

11:10 a.m. Question & Answer

June 15, 2017: “Guantanamo Bay — Al Qaeda’s Nuremberg: An Inside Look at 9/11 Justice.” Harry J. Leonhardt, J.D., discusses his experiences as a nongovernmental organization observer at U.S. detention facilities at ​Guantanamo Bay. Mr. Leonhardt met with family members of 9/11 victims, was provided access to facilities, observed proceedings involving suspected terrorists, and was briefed by prosecutors, defense attorneys and Department of Defense officials. For member reservations to a round table luncheon contact Tom Reeve,

9:30 a.m. Coffee Social

10:00 a.m. Free Program

11:10 a.m. Question & Answer

June 22, 2017:  “Dealing With a Dangerous and Challenging World — The Physics and Economics of Defense.” A guest speaker will discuss how and why the world may be a more dangerous place than ever before, in light of threats posed by North Korea, Iran, Russia, China, ISIS, radical Islam, and weapons of mass destruction. The speaker will explore the best ways to meet these challenges and opportunities.

9:30 a.m. Coffee Social

10:00 a.m. Free Program

11:10 a.m. Question & Answer

June 29, 2017: “Fiber Optics: History, Security, Applications and More.” Jim Hayes, Ph.D., and North County Chapter members Al Myers, Farouk Al-Nasser and Bill Thayer present a follow up to the Jan. 5, 2017, discussion on fiber optics. Discussion will touch on security, automated high speed stock trading, history and more. Member reservations for a round table luncheon following the presentation may be made by contacting Cal Watson at

9:30 a.m. Coffee Social

10:00 a.m. Free Program

11:10 a.m. Question & Answer

For further information please e-mail

Upcoming events of the San Diego World Affairs Council and the North County Chapter can be seen on

2017 Peace Researcher Call for Application

Peace Researcher Application Deadline: June 30, 2017

The Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice (IPJ), at the University of San Diego’s Kroc School of Peace Studies, is currently accepting applications for its Women PeaceMakers Program. The new Women PeaceMakers Program will offer a unique fellowship for peacebuilders, focused on strengthening and improving peace efforts in conflict-affected communities around the world.

Two peace researchers will be selected to work together with Women PeaceMakers to map the methods used and challenges faced in conflict contexts around the globe. For 2017-18, the focus of the program is on local and global peacebuilders’ engagement with the security sector. 

Each Peace Researcher will conduct interviews with two peacemakers in residence at the IPJ from September 25 - November 17, 2017. Based on those interviews, researchers will produce two case studies, one based on each of their peacemakers’ conflict situations.

Peace Researchers will be selected through a competitive application process and possess the following qualifications:

Graduate degree, or current enrollment in a graduate or postgraduate program, related to peace studies, conflict resolution, human rights, international relations or gender studies.
Outstanding writing skills.
Demonstrated experience in qualitative research methods; familiarity with narrative inquiry and analysis, as well as semi-structured interviewing methods, preferred.
Familiarity with the field of women, peace and security. Past research or publications related to the field is preferred.
Experience conducting interviews in a cross-cultural setting. Applicants must be able to work closely with people for whom English is a second language.
Must be able to work independently as well as collaboratively.

For more information on how to apply, please visit the IPJ website at or contact Katie Zanoni, IPJ Program Officer for Women PeaceMakers, at

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Remebering "Zbig"; G7 Summit in Taorima; Terror in the Philippines; NATO's Article 5; Putin Visits France; Protracted Crises in Yemen; and OAS and Venezuela

Quote of the Week:

"Sophisticated U.S. leadership is the sine qua non of a stable world order. However, we lack the former while the latter is getting worse.

-- The late Zbigniew Brzezinski, in his final tweet, earlier this month, as noted by The Atlantic magazine's James Fallows. President Carter's renowned national security adviser passed away on May 26.


Remebering "Zbig"

"The Fierce Resolve and Strategic Wisdom of Zbigniew Brzezinski" Ellen Laipson -- World Politics Review, May 30, 2017

"Jimmy Carter Pays Tribute to Mika's Late Father on Morning Joe" Jennifer Smith -- Daily Mail, May 30, 2017 

"Warm Words for Cold Warrior: Experts Reveal Why Brzezinski's Death Is Blow to U.S." -- Sputnik International, May 29, 2017

"CSIS Mourns the Loss of Dr. Brzezinski" John J. Hamre -- CSIS, May 26, 2017 

G7 Summit in Taormina

"Trump to Withdraw From Paris Climate Deal" Andrew Restuccia and Josh Dawsey -- Politico, May 31, 2017   

"Germany Distances Itself from U.S. After Trump's First G7 Showing" David Gilbert -- Vice News, May 29, 2017

"In Praise of a Transatlantic Divorce" Stephen M. Walt -- Foreign Policy, May 30, 2017

"China Protests as G7 Leaders Call for 'Demilitarization' of East, South China Seas" Ankit Panda -- The Diplomat, May 29, 2017

"G7 Leaders Agree Steps to Tackle Terrorism After Manchester Bombing" Anushka Asthana -- The Guardian, May 26, 2017 

Terror in the Philippines

"How and Why Islamic State-Linked Rebels Took Over Part of a Philippine City" Oliver Holmes -- The Guardian, May 29, 2017 

"A Pair of Threats for the Philippines" -- The Japan Times, May 30, 2017

NATO's Article 5

"NATO: Too Big to Fail, Too Small to Matter?" Seth A. Johnston -- The Hill, May 26, 2017 

"On Trump's Article 5 Omission" Michael E. O'Hanlon -- Brookings, May, 25, 2017

"Russia Has a Way to Reduce NATO's Combat Power" Christopher Woody -- Business Insider, May 30, 2017

Putin Visits France

 "Macron, Standing Alongside Putin, Says Russia Media Spread 'Falsehoods'" Yasmeen Sehran -- The Atlantic, May 30, 2017

"Macron Opens a 'Demanding' Dialogue With Putin in France" Colin Dwyer -- NPR, May 29, 2017

"Vladimir Putin Denies Russian Interference in French Presidential Race" Vladimir Isachenkov; Sylvie Corbet; John Leicester -- Time, May 29, 2017

Protracted Crises in Yemen

"Cholera, Famine, and Girls Sold into Marriage for Food: Yemen's Dire Picture" Rick Gladstone -- The New York Times, May 30, 2017

"How the Saudis See the War in Yemen " Bill Law -- Middle East Eye, May 26, 2017

"Defiant Congress Sparks Showdown with Trump over Saudi Arms Deal" Robbie Gramer and Ruby Mellen -- Foreign Policy, May 26, 2017


OAS and Venezuela


"OAS Seeks Negotiations in Venezuela, But Will Anyone Listen?" Jim Wyss -- Miami Herald, May 30, 2017


"Nicolas Maduro Doesn't Really Control Venezuela" Moises Naim -- The Atlantic, May 25, 20177


Mission Statement:
The San Diego World Affairs Council is a non-profit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to educating and engaging San Diegans in global issues, international relations, and cultural understanding

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San Diego World Affairs Council
113 West G Street #601
San Diego, CA 92101

Phone: (619) 325-8200


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